Why Our Hidden Pet Fence is Better
The Delmarva Dog Fence Brand of Hidden Pet Fence Systems differentiates itself from its competitors by engineering and offering a number of patented features - making Pet Stop the Most Advanced and the Most Humane pet fence product on the market. In addition, our unique GentleSteps™ training experience has been proven to teach your pets their boundaries much quicker.
No blind spots or "holes" because all our receivers incorporate THREE antennas ensuring full 360 degrees of signal detection.
Comfort Contacts®
Uniquely designed probes to provide your pet with comfort and safety. No steel pins or abrasive metal, only the comfort of soft rubber will touch your pet's neck.
No more guessing when to change the battery. Never purchase an expensive battery you don't need. This patented feature will flash brightly to alert you when the receiver battery needs changing.
Battery Duty Cycling
This patented feature extends the battery life to its maximum potential. With Pet Stop your batteries can last up to one full year.
Most products offer some sort of safety shut off but only Pet Stop products will shut off AND STAY OFF until your pet is free from the signal. Other products cycle on and off. Only with Pet Stop receivers can you feel confident of maximum protection from continuous activation.
StayAway™ - Anti-Linger System
With some products pets quickly learn that the warning signal has no consequence. Not with Pet Stop receivers. Our receivers calculate the time your pet stays in the warning field and gradually increase the correction level until they retreat. This saves battery life and, more importantly, reinforces the initial training and conditioning.
Smart Receiver® - Progressive Levels of Correction incorporating anti-run through technology
Our receivers detect both how long your pet stays in the signal field and how deeply they enter it. The longer and deeper your pet is in the field, the higher the level of correction. This means your pets won't receive more correction than they deserve while maximum protection is still there when needed.
TriScann®, Comfort Contacts®, Flash Alert®, Safety Stop®, Smart Receiver® are all registered trademarks of Perimeter Technologies.